Water Conservation in Industries

As we know there are different renewable energy sources such as solar and nuclear. It means if non-renewable sources become extinct in the future, we can still produce energy from Solar, Wind, Nuclear, etc. At present, the rising and major issue is that there is not any alternative source of fresh water, and it is non-renewable. Today, the water levels of the freshwater sources are reducing rapidly, due to an increase in population, reckless use of water in industries, pollution of natural sources of water, etc.

As it is said “Jal hi Jeevan Hai” i.e. Water is life, without water life is impossible. Thus, water conservation is the most crucial part of the present as well as the future. Water conservation can be achieved by the 3 R’s i.e., Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This article is about the first R, to reduce water consumption in industries.

We all know fresh water is the key component for living beings and the ecosystem. Water acts as a vital nutrient to every cell in your body and acts as a building material. Having the right amount of water will help you regulate your body temperature. Same as in industries such as textile industries, chemical industries, paper industries, etc. water acts as a major source for their product. Fresh water is key for the production of the clothes we wear today, the chemicals we use today, the dairy products, and many other day-to-day essential components of life. In some industries steam which forms from water acts as a main source for their products. All these multiple properties of water are reasons that are more than enough to understand the significance of water in industries and how it will directly affect the human lifestyle and what the situation would be like if we do not preserve water.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India, around 500 billion cubic meters of fresh water are consumed in the industry each year. Water consumption in certain industries such as in textile industries is between 100KLD to 2000KLD depending upon the production capacity of the plant, in chemical industries is between 200KLD to 4000KLD as certain dyes require too much water to produce, in the paper industry is around 100 to 1500 KLD. The first step to reducing industrial water consumption is to conduct a detailed water audit.

A water audit is conducted to identify the usage pattern of water in various industries and also to prepare a baseline for various types of industries. There are several important factors of the water audit for the industries as mentioned below:

  • By doing in-depth water audits, the auditors will get to know where the water consumption is more than the baseline and will recommend the same to the industries.
  • Water Reduction measures in all the aspects such as domestic use, industrial use, and gardening can be identified during the audit.
  • The management team of industries are mostly unaware of the leakages and other minor losses in the plant which gets neglected by the production or maintenance team. During the audit, the auditor quantifies the amount of water lost in the industries which in turn is a water conservation opportunity for the industry.
  • Water Audits will help industries in cost-cutting and maintaining a systematic process for the freshwater which is been used in the industries.

Water Conservation Opportunities in Industries

Individuals may start the water-saving movement by taking care not to waste water needlessly. The labors in the industries should be educated about the importance of water and how it will affect them and their future generations if not preserved properly. The water reduction in domestic usage such as in taps if there is any leakage, then seal the leakage by the maintenance team.

With the help of water audits in this sector of industries certain amount of water is conserved by recommending certain water conservative measures in the process of respective industries. Also, some innovative methods are suggested by the water auditor through which water reduction is achieved.

Some basic water savings methods by water auditors in each industry are:

  1. Use of modern taps such as aerators instead of basic taps which will save 3-4 KLD of water daily.
  2. Regular maintenance of leakages in water-consuming equipment.
  3. Automatic Continuous blowdown of water in Boilers.
  4. Automatic Continuous blowdown of water in Cooling Towers.
  5. Reuse of water in cleaning and washing equipment which eventually reduces water consumption.
  6. Stop running water.
  7. Take a short shower etc.
  8. Implementation of Sewage Treatment Plant.
  9. Implementation of Effluent Treatment Plant.
  10. Usage of I.O.T Based Water Management System.

Leaders and governments around the world have been trying to emphasize the importance of saving water by making certain laws and regulations. In the USA, the laws set an initial limit for indoor water use of 55 gallons per person per day in 2022, which gradually drops to 50 gallons per person by 2030. US EPA also has certain laws and regulations for industries consuming water in a certain amount. In India, the CGWA Central Ground Water Authority board created which tracks the water consumption of companies and regulates the reports of water audits which are conducted by water auditors in industries. With a little amendment in Industries, it can create a magnificent change. Some effort is better than no effort at all.